Monday, November 7, 2011

Goals: Accountabilty Update

As part of the challenge put forth by Ally, we (Ally, Jaime and I) are checking in with each other in order to show support, please join us.


Recurring goals {items needed to be completed daily, weekly or monthly}:

Read my Bible daily!
Doing pretty good, but I need to get better!

Create and stick to a house cleaning/maintenance schedule. Enlist the children's help. {They really do enjoy cleaning}
haven't yet but I have cleaned this past week! {woohoo, me!}

Create and stick to a prayer schedule. {Praying for specific groups of people each day}

Complete monthly budget before the beginning of the month so Josh and I can have budget meetings.
It wasn't completed before the first of the month but Josh and I did have our budget meeting.

Take weekly "field trips," even if it's just to the back yard, to study something pertaining to that week's lesson.
I haven't decided where we're going this week.

Short term goals {in no specific order}:

Finish the baby's room. {His changing table is B's dresser, thus I need to get B a new dresser!}
Budgeted money for the dresser so hopefully soon.

Organize B's schooling, still allowing for flexibility.

Be debt free! {Yes, this is short term! Thanks to Dave Ramsey this should be completed within the next couple months!}

Blog more.
Slowly but surely.

Get B back on a chore/commission work schedule.

Beginning with the Spring semester {I have to allow some time to figure out how to be a mom of 3} take at least one class per semester.

Memorize scripture.

Reduce TV time! I would like to reduce the amount of evening TV time too, but I do need to discuss it with Josh {I'm sure he'll support the idea.}
Getting a little better.

Have company over, couples over for a game night or something. I've got to get over this not-quite fear of hosting.

Get on an exercise routine.

Clean out garage.

Eat out less.

Plan a date night with my hubby! I'd like to do this monthly but with work schedules and life in general I'll accept every other month or so.
Hoping for this week, just need to work out a sitter.

Reorganize all closets and storage areas in the house, make better use of them.

Reduce the girls' toys to about half. I'd like to complete this before Christmas!

Long term goals:

Maintain "gazelle intensity" and save up enough money for {hopefully} a 50% down payment on a house once Josh retires and figure out where we're going to live.

Finish degree.

Learn a foreign language. I'm currently learning Latin with B but would like to be fluent in a commonly spoken language as well.


All in all I feel that I haven't done very well but I know, progress is progress and this week will be better!

1 comment:

  1. It really does help to write stuff down ay? :)

    Be well,


I'd love to know what you think.