Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Illuminate

The Sunday Creative

This mornings prompt instantly conjured two of my favorite verses. As I couldn't possibly chose between the two, I wrote for them both.


Lost and wandering through unknown lands
Searching for a path, something familiar
Wading through the shadows of the dark
Affable sounds echo in the distance
Supporting words breaking the silence
Determination holds its head high
Darkness wanes under the threat of Hope
Confidence grows as prayers are answered
Never Alone
Whispered in a wanting heart

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.


Colors slowly shifting o'er the sky
Orange splendor greeting the day
Casting out shadows of darkness
Morning comes anew
Bringing Hope to the faithful
Brilliance in Light illuminating the world

Prov 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Rambling Reply

A reply to Sarah's post (I found I was rambling so I thought I'd share it here).

While I have no actual snapshot to share my snapshot...
The day began about 30 minutes earlier than Momma would have liked but both girls were up early, prodding me to get out of bed.

Since yesterday was a grocery day, Little Bit was all too pleased to see apples almost spilling over their crystal home (don't ask me why I keep my apples in a crystal bowl, I needed a bowl and it looked pretty). One pealed for Little Bit and one washed for Big Bit, I congratulated myself on putting off breakfast for a few more minutes giving me a little more wake up time.

But alas, I forgot, apples = energy! I discovered how quickly I can put on a pot of coffee.

Armed with my cup of joe, I sat back and watched my girls rediscover a clean sun room, with all toys put away in their proper homes (I had a busy night last night).

I finally put them at the table with their breakfast and enjoyed some facebook time while they ate.

We've been enjoying a non script day.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Orient {or Reorient as it were}

Thank you Madeline, this was especially challenging and fun.

The Sunday Creative

Walking down a path
Staring at my feet

Seeing the sky reflected in the ground
A mirror

Feeling much like Alice
Can I simply step through

Walking upside down
Life is feeling lighter

Still on the path
But is it truly the same

Step by step
Wondering and wandering

Which side is real
This path or the other

Is this reality
Still upside down

Although lighter
I see happiness on the other side

No happiness here
No sadness, no joy

Can I simply step back
Like M.C. Escher stairs

Right side up
Right side up

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bigger Picture Moment: A Joyous Moment

Welcome to Bigger Picture Moments, a weekly writing event sponsored by Bigger Picture Blogs. We welcome you to join us in finding the Bigger Picture amidst the hectic, everyday craziness in your week.

Bigger Picture Moment

I really didn't have a Bigger Picture Moment this week and I thought I'd have to keep looking for inspiration and hopefully have something to share next week. But to my glorious surprise, today happened.


The heat and humidity bring out my inner introvert. I'm really only outgoing and independent when I have to be. Most often I would choose to curl up with a Jane Austen book I've read dozens of times instead of being out hobnobbing with others.

Unfortunately for my children, when the inner introvert rears it's shy face they become house-bound, spending yet another day hold up in this bastille called home. The big one often asking for friends, the little one often driving her sister crazy.

Today was a bit different, today we got out. B asked if we could go to the park and since the heat index hadn't quite reached triple digits, I agreed. We didn't stay long, but we got out and I got inspired. {Hopefully tomorrow's post.} Like I said, it was a short trip because the heat index did quickly reach triple digits, and back to the house we went.

The girls quickly ate and went off to play, leaving me alone at my computer {ah, such a dream}, or so I thought. It wasn't long before I heard Little Bit grunting in frustration. When I got to her room, I immediately saw the cause of her distress, a container a bubbles, sitting high upon her dresser far out of, not only her reaching arm, but that of her sister's as well. She emphatically signed "pleased" and how was I to resist those big blue puppy dog eyes.

Out came the bubbles and utter joy ensued.

It was in that joyous moment I realized my children are going to be just fine. I'm not doing them a world of harm (as I sometimes feel I am) by staying in doors. And even though B might want to see friends, she gets along great with her sister. I was reminded, in that moment, that I am truly blessed.

These precious angels are mine!

On a side note, we don't stay in all day, everyday. We get out and do things. I'm just tired of being the one to ask a stranger we just met at the park or in a store if they want to get together for a play date. I know God has good things in store for us and I feel our lives will be changing soon, my girls and I might even get tan, although I doubt it (so much sun block!).

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fun Filled Friday: B and I

B was in the room when I got dressed this morning...
"Those aren't real"
Scoffing, I reply, "Yes they are, God gave them to me."
"He forgot to take them back."


This Fun Filled Friday was just that!

Full of fun lessons, smiles and many laughs!

One of my first lessons today was, when you spend enough time with someone you begin to act like them (good or bad)...

I learned she's even funnier upside down.

I learned if you're going to spend the majority of your day with some you had better learn to see eye to eye.

I learned being silly is fun!

And I was reminded, just how precious she is!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bigger Picture Moment: A Lost Opportunity?

Bigger Picture Moment

Satan is celebrating a minor victory.

I gave into the frustration and lost myself in anger. I yelled. I gave mean looks. I scared my daughter. I can't believe how angry I was. I didn't recognise myself.

I prayed...
Then let myself get angry again, completely nullifying the prayer.

I lost control. Control of my emotions, myself and the situation.

An opportunity to teach was lost. My child only learned, Mom is scary when she's angry. Nothing positive came from that event, except, maybe, these afterthoughts.

When we loose ourselves to anger we loose the opportunity to witness to others.

While I don't believe my relationship with Jesus is based on how much I act like Him, some non believers seem to think it does. {Could you imagine someone saying the only way to have a good marriage is to be just like your husband?!}

But if we, Christians, want to share our knowledge, the Love, the Word, all that is Good, we have to do our best to live as Jesus would. And that means instead of giving in to the impulse we need to pause before we move/act/speak.

When I got out of the Navy, I struggled with the loss of belonging to something. I do belong, not to something, but to Someone! I have to remember I'm a part of something bigger and when people look at me, they might not recognize I'm a Christian, but I want them to see good in me, I hope they see wisdom, a sense of peace (a peace only God can give). Again, like the in the Navy where I was constantly held to a higher standard (law enforcement often is), I have to live like others are watching, because, somewhere, they are.

While I'm not the type to walk up to a stranger and ask if they've accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, I would like to be the type of person someone who is seeking the Lord could say, "I can ask her."

Satan isn't celebrating today.

I wasn't pleased this morning when my darling B decided to have, pretty much, the same attitude as yesterday but I did love having the chance to respond in a TOTALLY different way. This time, in the middle of her fit, I knelt down, lifted her onto my lap and, with her, asked God for guidance. She was still punished but I remained calm and she quickly calmed. We were able to talk about her behavior and why it was inappropriate, we moved on and had a lovely day.

Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14/NIV

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Raw

Better late than never.

The Sunday Creative

Tear stained cheeks
Red, burning eyes
Pink nose, face flushed

Exhausting tears
Holding nothing back
Pleas to the Lord

More time needed
Strength, healing
So much healing

Emotions raw

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bigger Picture Moment: I Walked a Mile

Take a step back and take in life!

Bigger Picture Moment

Today I had the chance to experience my husband's chore and bare his burden for a little bit. The old saying of "walk a mile in their shoes" really struck a cord this morning, giving me a new appreciation and respect for my husband.

What did it take, you ask.

I mowed!

I actually got to walk where he normally does.

Now I know some of you are thinking, big whoop, but it was big for me. This is the biggest yard I've mowed as an adult and quite frankly, it's hot here, even in the morning.

Yet my husband does it, without complaint. And keeping in mind the house we're renting was vacant for some time before we moved in, he had a small forest to cut down the first couple times mowed.

And the bugs... Oh the bugs!

I didn't realize how big our yard really is. I knew the back yard is big but I had forgotten we have a front yard, berm, and two sides that have to be mowed as well. With little hills, holes, ruts, and a whole bunch of bushes daring you to come closer so they can scratch you with their prickly leaves. Did I mention the holes? They are cleverly disguised voids in the ground waiting for a solitary mower wheel, and given the chance it will hold on.

And the ants... Oh the ants!

I really enjoyed it though, as hot and sweaty as I was getting, it was soothing. It gave me good thinking time and helped me get my thoughts straight. Pushing to and fro, enjoying the leisurely, yet productive, pace, my mind was able to wander in and out of story ideas, plan trips and completely take in the scents and colors surrounding me.

Soothing, that is, until a thorn caught my ankle. I came to a stop to remove it, lifted my pant leg to find an ant, holding on to dear life with his little pincers. (I now have a slightly painful bite mark on my ankle).

But the battle of the bugs is a whole post in its own!

For now, I will remain so very thankful for my husband and our yard.

From deep within the recesses of my mind...

More drafts than posts, or so it feels.

My mind appears to be in a constant state of chaos as of late. Swirling thoughts dance like a wisp on a breeze, never quite landing and disappearing when you try to bring them into focus.

Characters without story lines, plots without characters.

Poems broken mid stance.

I need a brain dump, or stream of consciousness writing. Something to release the pressure and let the creativity flow.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Internal Debate: Preschool

To send or not to send?

Why do I feel this need to make sure my child can write her own name at the age of 3??

I have to ask myself, why would I be sending her? Curriculum? Social interaction?

For me, it comes down to comparisons and keeping up with the Joneses really. A friend tells me her child can tell time, I freak and think I haven't even tried to teach mine to tell time. Another tells me hers is writing her name. Oh goodness, I think, B only knows her name starts with a "B". What disservice am I doing to my child... My mind reels.

So I did it, I put B on a waiting list for our local preschool and didn't feel good about it. I then spent the next week feeling ill at ease, I pondered and analyzed not sure why I wasn't as excited as she.

Then the major question of why I'm sending her falls into my head. Since we've moved she hasn't really made any friends and I see school as a way to make friends and an opportunity to play with kids her own age. I also see preschool as a place for her to learn how to write, read, count...

Then what have I been doing? B and I have been going through work books for a little while now, working on her tracing, writing letters and numbers. Why does she need to go to school to learn what I'm already teaching her? And more off, why would I pay someone to not only do what I can but not give her the one on one I can.

As for the social aspect, after a long conversation with my sister, she reminded me B will be fine if she doesn't go to school. We'll make friends, she'll have people to play with.

Then the other stuff began to fall into place, I remembered MOPs. I love MOPs, it's my sanity. She would get to play with kids her age there and I would get to fellowship with other ladies.

Here's the kicker...

Josh and I have talked, since B was a babe, about homeschooling our kids. It's something I've wanted to do as long as I'm able and they're willing. Why all the sudden am I wanting her in school just so I can homeschool in a year or two?! It made no sense.

For me, I think it comes back to the Joneses and the fact that all of my friends, and her friends are in or going to preschool. I support my friends and their kids. This is just what we're choosing to do with our kids. I have absolutely nothing against public or private school. I simply support education, in whichever form it may take.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Corinne! Congratulations!

She is the new owner of a Garlic Press. Woohoo!

Thank you all for participating in my giveaway and thank you to those who placed orders. I especially want to thank you for following and reading my blog. I often wonder if my words are simply messages going out into the great void of cyberspace. While I write for my own sanity it's comforting knowing someone is actually reading.

If you're in Northern Illinois and would like to host a Pampered Chef show or are not in Northern Illinois and would like to have an on-line show like had, call or email Kamryn.

Thank you again, everyone.