Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wrapping Pink

Write pink

October has proven to be a very pink month.

Writing Pink {and reading so much more} has really opened my eyes. I've met, mostly via Internet, so many survivors, heard stories of triumph and loss and really, really learned.

I learned I am at risk but I can make changes.

I thought, what a better way to wrap up this month, than to share the changes I'm already making.

When I first read so much about BPAs, my mind reeled as I looked around my house and saw just how much plastic we have. I immediately began concocting plans on how I was going to rid our house of this evil. Plastic sippy cups must go, to be replaced with glass cups or stainless steel, no more eating on Tupperware plates, added to the Sams list was glass storage containers...

Then I breathed.
And again.

We're on a budget.

My plans to rid our house of plastic is going to have to be gradual. I was delighted to find out that four of the sippys we have are BPA free. I bought some BPA free plastic cups to replace the plastic cups B uses {a bit cheaper than stainless}. I will stop heating food in the microwave in the plastic storage containers we have but the glass containers will have to wait, they didn't make the cut this payday.


I've learned this month, if I ask my girls if they want to go with me on a walk, they are guaranteed to be game. They willingly jump into the stroller, armed with water and a couple toys, they thoroughly enjoy watching the birds in the trees and squirrels scamper away. I also learned walking a couple miles isn't that bad when the kids aren't screaming, it's actually enjoyable.


This is going to be a bit longer of a project since I was just eating birthday cake today. I'm not going to to into detail here for my own reasons. Thank you for understanding. {No, I'm not pregnant.}

All in all, it's been an informative month. Forgive me if I despise pink for the next several months since everything was turned pink in October. {Pink ribbons on cookies, really? And pink bubble wrap??} Although a lot of men would disagree, I will miss seeing pink in the NFL, that I did get a kick out of.

Happy November, everyone!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Diet, Exercise and Breast Cancer Prevention

I am Writing Pink!

Write pink

Trimming the fat, both out of your diet and off your body can do more than just decrease your waist size, it can also decrease your risks for breast cancer.

I've known for a while I need to get into shape, make exercise a norm in my life. But my reasons for wanting to live a healthier life style didn't include lowering my risk for breast cancer. I was one who thought I'd be safe since I don't have a family history of breast cancer. Through research for this article, I've learned that is very, very untrue.

Head on over to Undercover Mother for the rest of my story and read more about breast cancer prevention.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bigger Picture Moment: Derailed Prevention Piece

I am Writing Pink!

Write pink

When I first began research for a diffent piece on breast cancer prevention, I found an abundance of information on how a proper diet and exercise could reduce your risk factors for developing breast cancer. I was intrigued. How perfect would it be, as I'm already trying to implement a healthier diet for me and my family and we're increasing our exercise. This would be a great way for me to share what I'm doing to reduce my personal risks.

But the researched continued. The more I read the more I wanted to learn. The risk factors are so much more then just your genes. I have to admit, I was naive, thinking only those with a family history had to worry.

I think what amazed me the most and really derailed my intended blog was learning how many chemicals mimic estrogen and other hormones. I was floored!

Bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA is found in a most plastic and even in the liner of canned fruits and vegetables. Studies {google BPA and you'll see} show exposure to BPA increases your risk factors for breast cancer.

Alkylphenols are endocrine disruptors that mimic or block hormones and are found in detergents, cleaning products, hair dies, and so much more just sitting around the house.

Aluminum, is a metal that mimics estrogen, commonly used to coat non stick cookware. While I wasn't able to find much research, okay, only one article really, it was still enough to make me take pause.

With this new found information, I came to the realization that breast cancer prevention isn't just my genetic make up, it's not just exercising and eating healthy, {quite frankly, I should be doing that anyway} it's not just the foods I choose, but how that food is prepared and stored, processed, shipped...

I know this post is vague, there is so much research out there that shows these things not just being bad for one's health but increasing the risk for breast cancer. What I once thought was such a non-issue for me, I've learned might very well could be. Please look, please don't think like I did.

You can even be a part of the research. Go to Army of Women and sign up, get involved.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Realization

Next week, we will have been here for four whole months. Four months doesn't seem long in a life of nearly 34 years, but thinking about my last home in Illinois, four months seems a mini lifetime ago.

I had many struggles and trials this summer; trying to make friends, find a church, unpack, and make a house a home. There were days that I felt isolated from the rest of civilization {especially going from the outer 'burbs of Chicago to Mississippi's Gulf Coast}. I'm still trying to get used to the amount of time it takes to get anywhere.

But alas, we have found a church and have started making friends, and what a difference it makes. Having a place to go, something to look forward to, getting a chance to get to know others makes the time go a bit faster.

While I'm still missing my old church and the wonderful friends I made there, I feel I'm finally beginning to move forward, let go of the past and hope for the future.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
{I have this passage on a bracelet I wear daily to remind me, it's His plan, not mine}

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Sunday Creative: Spiral, Oh My Soul!

I know I've been a bit absent and I have a couple blogs planned for some time this week, but after reading today's prompt at The Sunday Creative, I knew I had to write tonight.

The Sunday Creative


I'm too tired to pick up tonight
This is the first time I've sat down today
I've been in that kitchen all evening

I'll straighten it up later
I'll do dishes in the morning
The dust isn't going anywhere

Not wanting to clean
Not wanting to cook

So tired
So very tired
Oh, my soul

Excuses, excuses

I can feel myself falling
deeper and deeper into a sea of self pity

If only I could sleep
I would be a better mom with a full night's rest
no sleep
Oh, my soul

Stress unvented
Worry pent up

Help needed
I know not how

A long week
Oh, my soul


Last week, if I sat still long enough, closed my eyes, I could actually feel my little world spiraling further and further away from comfort and control. My husband's one week absence threw me for a loop, I didn't see it coming even though his trip had been planned. I lost my grip and for a few days forgot my normal coping mechanisms. I spent more time praying for his safety and forgot about my own sanity. Thinking praying meant not worrying and discovering I was wrong. I forgot to let go and let God. He told me not to worry, He told me He was in control. I didn't listen.

Oh, my soul!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blogging for Our Breasts

Blog Button

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I am joining my fellow bloggers in raising awareness. I've joined Army of Women {no it's not just for women, men are encouraged to join as well}, their goal is to recruit one million women to partner with breast cancer researchers and actually participate in the studies {don't get nervous, the research is prevention based, not clinical trials} in hopes to completely eradicate this disease.

And I'm linking up with Bigger Picture Blogs to Write Pink!

Write pink

Will you join? Will you help us be one million strong?