Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bigger Picture Moment: Heart of a Servant

The lovely ladies at Bigger Picture Blogs welcome you to take a step back, look at your life and find the role faith has played in your day, in your everyday. They've also provided a link up so you can share your Bigger Picture Moment with others. If you have some time, take a peek into so other's moments.

Bigger Picture Moment

I am not doing this for acknowledgement or accolades.

(I keep telling myself.)

It's OK if he doesn't notice.

But it's not OK, I want him to notice. I want him to acknowledge all the hard work I've put in. Especially since it's been a while since I've worked this hard.

But that's not OK.

That's not the right attitude, spirit.

That is not the heart of a servant.

I want to be a servant.

I want to serve my God and my husband.

I need a change of heart.

Not the typical spoken change but a divine intervention. I need, I pray for a better heart, a servant's heart. Self-serving is not what I want to be, not what I want others to see.

How can I expect to be a beacon if my soul isn't shinning.

So I will work. I will work hard. I will make this house a home. I will give my husband a place to rest, to retreat.

And I will do it with the heart of a servant.


  1. Always a valiant effort to become better than you are. :)

  2. thanks for this post. i struggle with this too. wanting the people around me to notice and appreciate what i am doing.....when i should be doing just to serve.

    serving helps to give us a servant's heart....even if we don't start with one.

  3. Mmmm... struggling with that as well.
    Thank you for this. And for linking up!

  4. Thanks for the reminder. I hope to hold this in my heart for awhile. Tam

  5. I feel the same.exact.way lately. I need a heartmakeover in this department.
    Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Thank you for speaking truth to mine.
    I'll be praying.
    Oh -- and SO glad you linked today. :)

  6. Yikes. It's like you're talking to me, here :) A servant's heart would probably be happier than the 'don't-you-appreciate-dinner?' heart I have right now.

    Thanks so much for writing this, and for joining in!

  7. I struggle with this to, so much. Thank you for sharing this so beautifully.


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